With two mirrors, one bendable mirror and a mirror ball many experiments can be conducted, in the secret world of mirror images, distorted mirror images, reflected mirror images, distorted reflected mirror images...
Discover various phenomenon of light and shadow, e. g. a cotton ball as moon or a glass pane as a"theatre mirror". You can see images upside down in the camera obscura or behind the lens of a magnifying glass. Under water, reductions are created in the glass sphere. And with the light conductor you can even guide the light of a tea-light around a corner. You can also experiment a lot with two mirrors, a bendable mirror and the mirror-sphere in the secret world of mirror images, distorted mirror images, reflected mirror images, distorted reflected mirror images...
Kaleidoscopes are enchanting the world. Just in front of our eyes, the mirrors create wonderful patterns that will amaze you with their regularity and endlessness.
Kaleidoscopes are enchanting the world. Just in front of our eyes, the mirrors create wonderful patterns that will amaze you with their regularity and endlessness. The reflections in the large Kaleidoscope do not seem to come to an end.